Answer: Among all environmental factors, temperature has the greatest impact on the charging and discharging performance of batteries. The electrochemical reaction at the electrode/electrolyte interface is related to the environmental temperature, and the electrode/electrolyte interface is considered the heart of the battery. If the temperature drops, the reaction rate of the electrodes also decreases. Assuming the battery voltage remains constant and the discharge current decreases, the power output of the battery will also decrease. If the temperature rises, the opposite is true, that is, the output power of the battery will increase, and the temperature will also affect the transmission speed of the electrolyte. If the temperature rises, it will accelerate, the transmission temperature will decrease, and the transmission will slow down. The charging and discharging performance of the battery will also be affected. But if the temperature is too high, exceeding 45, it will disrupt the chemical balance inside the battery, leading to secondary reactions.
下一篇:Q: What is the internal pressure of a battery? What is the normal internal pressure of a battery?