Transformation and upgrading, as well as vigorously developing emerging industri...
In 2013, under the attack of the Tesla storm, the expectation of doubling sales ...
According to a survey by EnergyTrend, a global market research firm under TrendF...
According to reports, the research team led by Wei Fei and Zhang Qiang from the ...
Lithium sulfur batteries have advantages such as high theoretical energy density...
Answer: You just need to contact us and tell us the relevant specifications and ...
Answer: There is no battery leakage problem, and the battery does not contain li...
Answer: The internal pressure of a battery is the pressure formed by the gas gen...
Answer: Among all environmental factors, temperature has the greatest impact on ...
According to incomplete statistics by reporters, a total of 13 listed companies ...
Recently, research experts from Stanford University have been trying to improve ...
5300mAh 30C 22.2V 航模电池